/",$todaystoriesoutput,$search_navi_data); $data = ""; $TEXT_FILE = "/var/www/html/function/navigation-lightblue.inc"; if($fp = @fopen($TEXT_FILE,'r')) { while(!feof($fp)){ $file_data = fgets($fp, 4096); if(trim($file_data) != ""){ $lightblue_navi_data .= trim($file_data)."\n"; } } } @fclose($fp); $TEXT_FILE = "/var/www/html/function/ga_tag.inc"; $analytics_tag = ""; if($fp = @fopen($TEXT_FILE,'r')) { while(!feof($fp)){ $file_data = fgets($fp, 4096); if(trim($file_data) != ""){ $analytics_tag .= trim($file_data)."\n"; } } } @fclose($fp); require('/var/www/html/function/dfp_ad_tag.php'); $TEXT_FILE = "/var/www/html/function/jtlogonavi.inc"; $newJTnavi = ""; if($fp = @fopen($TEXT_FILE,'r')) { while(!feof($fp)){ $file_data = fgets($fp, 4096); if(trim($file_data) != ""){ $newJTnavi .= trim($file_data)."\n"; } } } @fclose($fp); /* テンプレートファイル読み込み */ if(!($fp = file_exists("../cgi-bin/globaltmp5.html"))){ $message = "\n

No file

Please try again!

\n\n\n"; print($message); exit; } $fp = fopen('../cgi-bin/globaltmp5.html','r'); // 終端に達するまでループ while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp); $template = $template . $line; } fclose($fp); // 20060731 add Writer List 読み込み if(!($wfp = file_exists("../cgi-bin/writerlist.txt"))){ $message = "\n

No file

Please try again!

\n\n\n"; print($message); exit; } $wfp = fopen('../cgi-bin/writerlist.txt','r'); // 終端に達するまでループ while (!feof($wfp)) { $wline = fgets($wfp); $writerlist = $writerlist . $wline; } fclose($wfp); $writerlist = strtolower($writerlist); // Lower Case All $type = substr($thefile,0,2); $year = substr($thefile,2,4); $month = substr($thefile,6,2); $day = substr($thefile,8,2); $bottom = substr($thefile,10,2); $code = $type; $twitter_cate = "japantimes"; $navi = "Home"; if($nomemberflg == 1){ $filepath = $thisweeksdir; if(preg_match("/^nn|np|ni|wn/",$type)){ $navi = "Home > News"; }elseif (preg_match("/^nc/",$type)){ $navi = "Home > Life in Japan > Technology"; }elseif (preg_match("/^nb|wb/",$type)){ $navi = "Home > News"; }elseif (preg_match("/^nr/",$type)){ $navi = "Home > News"; }elseif (preg_match("/^eo|ed/",$type)){ $navi = "Home > Opinion"; }elseif (preg_match("/^s/",$type)){ $twitter_cate = "sports"; if((preg_match("/^sb/",$type)) && (preg_match("/^j|o/",$bottom))){ $navi = "Home > Sports > Japanese BaseballMLB"; 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exit; } if((preg_match("/^nb|^nn|^eo/",substr($thefile,0,2)) && preg_match("/^n\d/",substr($thefile,10,2))) && ($result > $term) && $bloomberg_cancel != 1){ missing("expire",$template); exit; } if( preg_match("/^fl/",substr($thefile,0,2)) && preg_match("/^tk/",substr($thefile,10,2)) ){ missing("deleted",$template); exit; } $fp = fopen($file,'r'); global $string; $photo_flg = 0; $photodir = ""; $count = 0; $pcnt = 0; $tcnt = 0; $mflg = 0; $iflg = 0; $icnt = 0; $des_flg = 1; $b_p_flg; $dateline = ""; $para_cnt = 0; while (!feof($fp)) { // ファイルから一行読み込む $line = fgets($fp); // add 20080107 kato if(ereg("", $line) && $des_flg == 1){ $des_line = ereg_replace("", "", $line); $des_line = ereg_replace("", "", $des_line); $des_line = ereg_replace("", "", $des_line); $des_line = ereg_replace("", "", $des_line); $des_line = ereg_replace("", "", $des_line); $des_line = ereg_replace("", "", $des_line); $des_line = ereg_replace("\"", """, $des_line); $des_line = preg_replace("/]*?>/", "",$des_line); $des_line = ereg_replace("", "", $des_line); 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$youbi, $dispdate


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$youbi, $dispdate

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Article $positioncount of $total in $category news

$footernavi"; } return $footernavi; } function getfileinfo($file){ $file = trim($file); //20070612 kato if(!preg_match("/\w{2}\d{8}\w{2}\.htm/",$file) && !preg_match("/\w{4}\_poll.html/",$file)){ $message = "\n

\nSorry, we don't seem to have that kinda file around here.\n


\nPlease try again!\n

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Your profile  |  Log out
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